The deeper philosophy behind
My Why
I have always been drawn to the adventure and how ridiculously fun filming weddings is, but what has kept me going all these years is something much deeper.
If you’ll humor me as I become a momentary armchair philosopher wearing a tweed blazer in front of an open fire, scotch in hand… I’d love to share with you the reason behind why I have chosen to dedicate my life to creating wedding films.
I often feel like as a society we have left something very important in the past when it comes to tradition and rituals. It feels like questions about the deeper meaning of one's life have fallen to the wayside as society has modernised and become more individualistic and consumeristic. Marriage is one of the very few deeply important and meaningful rituals we have left. While modernity has produced so many incredible opportunities and quality of life it also conditions most of us a sense of hyper-individualism. I believe it is through relationships, love and the ritual of marriage that we can overcome this if we choose, find a connection to something greater than ourselves and achieve self transcendence.
In this secular, often cynical and materialistic world I believe one of the most radical things you can do is say we have faith in love, in our love. This is such a beautiful thing, and it is the greatest honour to be able to make art in dedication to love.